6:30 AM - Monday Morning Prayer for Our City - Zoom Meeting
A group of St. Giles members meets every Monday morning at 6:30 AM to pray for the city of Richmond. You’re invited to join us. Questions? Contact Ellen Andrusia at 804-514-5649.
9:30 AM - Women’s Tuesday Bible Study - Patterson
During the month of May, Rebecca Modrzynski will be teaching the Tuesday Morning Bible Study. The topic will be: "Praying the Psalms". Each week we will look at a different category of Psalm (lament, thanksgiving, wisdom, etc.). Bible study begins at 10:00.
6:30 PM - Lost And Found Circle - Home of Marion Slater (Currently postponed)
Meets second Tuesday of each month. Call church office for details.
9:30 AM - Women’s Tuesday Bible Study - Patterson
During the month of May, Rebecca Modrzynski will be teaching the Tuesday Morning Bible Study. The topic will be: "Praying the Psalms". Each week we will look at a different category of Psalm (lament, thanksgiving, wisdom, etc.). Bible study begins at 10:00.
6:30 PM - Lost And Found Circle - Home of Marion Slater (Currently postponed)
Meets second Tuesday of each month. Call church office for details.
10:30 AM - Grandmothers' Prayer Group 2 - Prayer Room (Currently postponed)
Meets the second and fourth Wednesdays monthly at St. Giles in the Prayer Room. Open to new members.
2:00 PM - Grandmothers' Prayer Group 1 - Home of Becky Shepherd
Meets the second and fourth Wednesdays monthly at the home of Becky Shepherd. Closed at this time to new members.
2:00 PM - Circle Of Love - St. Giles Conference Room (Currently postponed)
Meets first Wednesday of each month.
5:45 PM - Wednesday Night Dinner - Patterson (Currently not meeting)
Join us for dinner and fellowship. (Reservations required by 12 PM the Monday before).
7:00 PM - Wednesday Night Class - Zoom Class
Please email Tommy Nance at ([email protected]) if you'd like to join.
5:30 PM - Kids' Clubhouse - Church Grounds
Currently meeting outside on church grounds. In case of inclement weather, we will meet indoors in the adults' classroom. Please contact Lindsay Sherrard at [email protected] for details.
10 AM - First Thursday Book Club
Meets first Thursdays of each month. Open to all. Meeting outside on church grounds. In case of inclement weather, we will meet in Patterson.
6:30 AM - First Up: An Early Start with the Guys - MCV Cafeteria
Ready to start on the right foot when you’re first up in the morning? How about a gathering for refreshment of body (coffee!) and soul, the Lord, and life as a guy? There are no requirements, other than to be of the male persuasion, and to show up early: 6:30 to 7:30 on Fridays, in the MCV cafeteria. We are currently discussing racial reconciliation. Contact Wally Smith at [email protected] for more information.
9:00 AM - Veteran's Breakfast - River City Diner (Midlothian)
Meets every third Saturday of the month.