Music is both a gift from God and an offering to Him. At St. Giles those offerings take many forms -from the time-honored classics and great hymns to the uplifting praise music. There are a multitude of opportunities for your involvement in the music ministry of St. Giles.
The Chancel Choir sings weekly at the 9:30 AM Traditional Worship service, and practices from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM each Wednesday evening. The chancel choir is always happy to welcome new members and would be delighted to have you give them a try!
The Praise Team takes the lead weekly at the 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship Service, and is also eager to welcome new vocalists and instrumentalists. They normally practice from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM on Wednesday evenings and from 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM on Sunday mornings.
In addition, we frequently use both vocal and instrumental solos and ensembles to enhance worship.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the music ministry of St. Giles, please contact Director of Music and Worship Arts, Ben Miller.